I have been thinking about doing a post on one of my most favorite TV shows ever, but never really got to it. Finally the time has come to pay homage to one of the best sitcoms...F.R.I.E.N.D.S.
I was introduced to this legendary show a long time after its cessation. Although I am not one of those who followed the show from start to finish while it was on air, I have probably watched all the episodes more number of times. It is almost impossible to get bored of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. The more you watch it, the more insight you get into the characters, and the more you love them. You can never get tired of Chandler's sarcastic one-liners or Phoebe's eccentric behavior. Joey will always charm you with his "How you doing?" and his silliness. Monica’s discipline, Ross’s nerdiness, and Rachel’s fashion never get old. Could I BE more right about this?
The six main characters are brilliant, and so is the supporting cast. The show would not be the same without Janice, Gunther, Frank Jr., Ross and Monica’s parents, Chandler’s parents, Mike, to name a few. I’m trying really hard to pick my favorite character but that just seems like an impossible task. All of them are so different, and yet so essential to the recipe of fun…it wouldn’t have the same flavor if any of them was missing. That said, I can personally identify a lot with Monica’s character, being an over-organized (read: crazily disciplined) person myself, though I wish I could be as pure hearted as Phoebe.
Some may find this silly, but I have learnt a lot of things about America and Americans from F.R.I.E.N.D.S. I started watching the show when I was new to the US, and I got a great glimpse into the American way of living, in terms of traditions, culture, cult classics, jokes, and even to some extent slang. I was exposed to a lot of different things which I could possibly have never encountered in personal life. It may not have been a perfect picture, but it did give me a head start on fitting in better.
The bottom line is that F.R.I.E.N.D.S. rocks! The show's essence can be summarized from its name. Here’s my two cents worth on what the name symbolizes
Freaky Phoebe
Riotously funny Chandler
Idiotic Joey
Elegant Rachel
Nerdy Ross
Disciplined Monica
Superb Supporting Cast
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